Monday, September 23, 2013

Lion King

When I was young, I wanted to marry Simba. I'm not kidding! My best friend asked me at 11 which guy I thought was cute in our school and I said: "Can I choose Simba?"

The Lion King has been my favorite Disney movie, so of course I jumped on the occasion when Threadless launched a Lion King contest.

I had a lot of fun doing this design. It's close to what I love doing - children's art.

Click on the picture to go vote. Remember you need to register and 5 is the highest note.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sylvanian Families - Calico Critters Birthday!

In honor to my friend's birthday next week, I'm showing you a birthday card I made her a few years ago.

I took the piano photo from my own Sylvanian Families collection. The rest are pictures I found online. It was a great way of showing her what her gift would be.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Super Lazy Cat

Threadless is a site where you can submit your own designs for diverse items - T-shirts, hoodies, bags, iphone cases, etc. People can vote for the designs, but it's the Threadless team that has the last word in deciding if they'll print it.

Sometimes they have contests based on a theme, sometimes silly (Oxymorons), sometimes they associate with bands (Arcade Fire), popular cartoons (Toys Story, TMNT) or causes (WWF).
This one is about SUPER CATS. :)


Looking at my own kitties, I realized that if they were superheroes, they wouldn't really be good at it. They spend their whole days sleeping, not bothering to raise a paw if there's a fly.
So, here's the Superlazy cat who just lets the mouse run away with the cheese.
Link to vote: